The black and white page format is enhanced by the meticulous shading and detailed highlighting that lifts the action up off the page. Material concerning this book's production suggests that Maihack is the sole creative force on the project - making him a writer, penciler, inker, colorist and a lay-out artist!
Maihack's previous efforts have included acting as an artist on Comic Book Tattoo published by Image comics, a weekly comic called Cow & Buffalo and a Christian comics anthology called Parable.

The book is the first of what looks like a new series from Maihack that utilizes quirky humor and detailed art to appeal to the 13+ to Adult market of the comic buying public.
- Cow Shell Graphics, Cleopatra in Space!
- Little Chimp Society, Mike Maihack Interview
- Drawing Board, Cleopatra in Space by Mike Maihack
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